This website summarizes the results from the Carbonate Fault Rock Group, which consists of the University of Leeds and Badley Geoscience Ltd and is currently funded by ADNOC, ENI, OMV, Petrobras and Wintershall.
The key aim of CFRG is to create a step change in the ability of industry to model the impact of faults on fluid flow in carbonate reservoirs.
Key work objective are:-
- Develop a database of fault rock properties in carbonates.
- Produce an atlas of know fault behaviour: here we will critically review static and dynamic data from the literature and provided by sponsors to generate evidence-based assessment of how faults impact flow in carbonate reservoirs around the world.
- Integration of petrophysical and mechanical property analysis with microstructural analysis of fault rocks obtain from outcrop and core to generate the fault rock property database and identify the key geomechanical controls on fault rock properties.
- Create a module for the TrapTester software that will increase the ability of industry to predict the impact of faults on fluid flow in carbonate reservoirs. The software tool will calculate transmissibility multipliers that can be incorporated directly into industry standard production simulation models to improve the way that the impact of faults on fluid flow is modelled.